Mike Shane kann mittlerweile auf eine lange Liste internationaler Bodypainting-Tätigkeiten zurückblicken. Große Kunst Projekte, internationale Fachjurys, Workshops oder besondere Gigs. Verfolgen Sie seinen "Weltreise-Blog" und seien Sie immer up to date was er gerade wo macht.

Als ich im Jahr 2000 das Projekt "Bodypainting around the Globe" aus der Wiege gehoben habe konnte ich nicht ahnen was mir diesbezüglich noch alles bevorstand. Was ursprünglich als "Brückenschlag der Kulturen" begann hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einem fixen Bestandteil meiner künstlerischen Tätigkeit entwickelt. Hier stelle ich die wichtigsten dieser Projektreisen vor: Internationale Bodypainting Festivals, Jurybeteiligungen, Projekte und Workshops.

Mike Shane
Oct. 23rd, 2015

United Nations Peace Memorial Center Bodypainting 2015
Busan, South-Korea
I am honored to have been part of such an exquisite group of talented bodypainters and even more honoured to have had the possibility to paint for the world's biggest organisation for peace on this planet! Unfortunately my UN female model came to the set pretty much hangovered so i could not complete my bodypainting on her :((( only one picture was taken before she was sent home!! #wbproduction #UN_bodypainting WB Production
Sept. 12th, 2015

The Human Globe
Hortus-Niger Sommerakademie, Halbenrain, Austria
"European Day of Action for Refugees"
Aufgrund der Vorkommnisse der letzten Wochen Aug/Sep 2015 habe ich mich entschieden ein künstlerisches Zeichen gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Fremdenhass und Intoleranz zu setzen.
Im Zuge meines Bodypainting-Workshops in der Sommer Akademie für bildende Künste HORTUS-NIGER habe ich mit meinen vier Studentinnen innerhalb weniger Tage diese Performance entwickelt.
Spontan haben 8 Musical-TänzerInnen ihre Mithilfe zugesagt.
November 20st, 2014

SCHINKO - Tattoo Imagecampaign Print
Linz, Austria
This was maybe the most ambitious and one of the most strenous jobs I've ever done.
Weeks of designing the perfect "maori tattoos", weeks for the production of the vectorgraphics and in the end a 17 hour studio production with my pal OBSN in order to get the damn thing on the skin ---IN PERFECTION!
January, 25th 2014

Bodypainting meets Fashion | Ardea Luh and Mike Shane cooperation
Graz, Austria
Last saturday i had the honor to cooperate with the amazing fashiondesigner Elke Steffen from the label We designed Carmen la muse's dress for the highclass ball "Grazer Redoute" that took place at the beautiful opera house in Graz. Carmen was breathtaking! Thanx for this amazing opportunity.
Oct. 2013

Action Painting and Bodypainting Exhibition at Samsung's "Blue Square" and Workshops in Seoul
Seoul, South Korea
My third adventure in South-Korea. This time I had the honour of performing live at the Samsung Blue Square in Seoul. I was invited by the KMAA Korean Makeup Artist Association. The show was sponsored by Kryolan. The models were branded for WBA World Bodypainting Association, KMAA and Kryolan.
July 5-7, 2013

What's on a man's mind 2.0 | WBF-Installation Award 2013
Pörtschach, Austria
As a child i remember being fascinated by a drawing my uncle had hung up his wall.It was the famous illustration of Sigmund Freud with a woman integrated into his face. I remember that as a 6 year old i completely understood the message: Men have women on their mind...most of the time. I think this picture is representative for most bodypainters out there. Whether male or female, bodypainters have bodies on their minds. :)
Sep.1-2, 2012
Judging the Daegu International Bodypainting Festival
Daegu, South Korea
In September 2012 I had the honour to be part of the Jury at the International Bodypainting festival in Daegu, South-Korea.
It was a great competition with many contestants mainly from Asia. But also foreign artists like Wolf Reicherter and the dream team of "Living Canvas" Madelyn Greco and Scott Fray competed.
Aug.19, 2012
SIBPA Swiss International Bodypainting Day
Köniz, Switzerland
Melanie Rodel and Marc Gerber did a great job organizing the first SIBPA (Swiss International Bodypainting Award) in August 2012 in Köniz, Switzerland.
I was part of the Jury and was asked to perform a Live Action painting on stage.
Marc Gerber, Melanie's husband is a magnificant guitar player and so we decided to let him "jam" with us on stage.
Good times in Switzerland! :)
Nov.20, 2011
Caracas, Venezuela
What was supposed to be a "regular" Action-Painting-Gig turned out to be the most energetic "Art Connects" - Project for me ever since the founding of the project by Ferenc Hottya in 2004.
The idea remains the same...connecting artists in order to potentiate the art.I personally love to connect by opening up my stage towards other artists.
The energy that starts flowing the moment you look into a fellow artists eyes
Mar.24. - Apr.2.2011
Koh Samui, Thailand
The tourist authority of "sunny" Thailand had invited us to this prestigeous Bodypainting-Competition on Lamai Beach, Koh Samui.
The competition was a wonderful success for the participating "CREACHIEFS", Birgit Mörtl, Bella Volen, Lena Pock and myself. We placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd!
Nobody had expected what followed ...