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Professional development


Mike Shane was born on 15 October 1970 in Luxembourg, Europe.

He studied graphic arts and illustration in Luxembourg at the Beaux-Arts, in Austria at the "Graphische", Vienna and at the Design Studio in St. Pölten.


These years were followed by individual Painting Exhibitions in Austria and in Luxembourg. In 1997 he started the project "The Visualizer" , a link between event-agencies and end costumers.

He visualized, illustrated and "translated" complex event ideas to the target customer. In 1999 he started Bodypainting and has been working as an independent professional Artist ever since.


Throughout the years he was responsible for the design of a couple of Bowling-Center Murals as well as other Wall Paintings in Austria. Mike is constantly searching for cooperations with other artists.Projects like “De Cecco-TV spot”, “Austria Tabak-Llifeball” have been realized together with Bella Volen, Lena Pock, Fredi Schmid and Chris Oberheber


In 2010 he founded the artist-group "CREACHIEFS" together with Eva Brosch, Bella Volen, Chris OBSN Oberheber, Birgit Mörtl and Lena Pock.This new project got him in touch with video-productions as well as stage performances and also made him go back to his graphic-design roots.


In the present Mike is promoting his Bodypainting Artworks and his unique Action-Painting Performances throughout the world. In 2011 his Artworks have been exhibited at the Museum for contemporary Arts in Caracas, Venezuela.


Mike teaches Bodypainting-Classes specialized in "Commercial Bodypainting" within the Bodypainting Academy Austria and at chosen Festivals worldwide.



- Bodypainting Fina-Art Groupexhibition in Seoul, South-Korea 2013

- Bodypainting Fine-Art Groupexhibition in Atlanta, Georgia 2013

- Jurymember at the International Bodypainting Festival, Italy 2013

- Jurymember at the SIBPA, Swiss International Bodypainting Award, 2012

- Jurymember at the Daegu International Bodypainting Festival, South-Korea 2012

- Gast des 6to Encuentro Mundial de Arte Corporal, Venezuela

- Jurymember at the World Bodypainting Festival 2011

- Video-Produktion "Caught by Color" by "CREACHIEFS"

- 3rd place at the Bodypainting Festival, Koh Samui, Thailand 2011

- Jurymember at the international Bodypainting Festival 2010, Germany

- Bodypainting Vice World Champion 2010 in Team with Chris Oberheber OBSN.COM

- Austria's next Topmodel 2010

- Jurymember at the World Bodypainting Festival 2009

- Austria’s next Topmodel 2009

- WWF-Aktion gegen Beifang, Berlin 2008

- TV-Spot-Production in Luxemburg (de Cecco 2008)

- TV Appearences at "RTL Luxemburg", "RTL Deutschland", "Kabel1", "ORF", "ATV", "TW1", "WNTV", "SAT1" und "PRO7"

- Bodypainting VVice European Champion - Titel 2001



Halloween Action-Painting Blue Square, Seoul, Süd-Korea 2013

Installation Award, Freud's What's on a man's mind 2.0, World Bodypainting Festival 2013

Swiss International Bodypainting Award, 2012

Maribor, Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2012

El Teatro Teresa Carreño, Caracas 2011

"Caught by Color" 2011

Ötztaler Radmarathon 2010

The nursery home series 2010

Live Gig am internationalen Bodypainting Festival Bingen 2010

Special mit Artchello für Redbull 3-D Filmteam @ WBPF 2010

Austria's next Topmodel Wien 2010

German bodypainting Festival “Live on stage” Ingelheim 2008

World-bodypainting-Festival “Live with Global Kryners” 2008

CD-Cover Produktion Global Kryners “Weg” 2007

World-bodypainting-Festival “Live Fluoro Show” Seeboden 2006

Sharp Electronics München 2006

Swiss-bodypainting Day “Live on stage” Luzern 2005

VOX-action painting (Wahre Liebe) Wien 2004

World-bodypainting-Festival “Live on stage” Seeboden 2003

Canon colour story (B2B-tour Bundesländer 2003)

"Transformationen" in coop with Magenta “live @ Seitenblicke Studios” Wien 2002

Legendary Fockygasse “Initiation” Wien 2001

Book Appearences/Recensions/Bandpromotions:


2003 Hot nylons (Edition Skylight)

2007 CD-cover production for Global Kryners „Weg“

2008 Bringing bodypainting to life (Karala Barendregt)

2011 Bodyart Fashion (Karala B.)

2012 The Art of Bodypainting (Peter de Ruiter)
2013 Champions at Heart (Karala B.)


© 2028 by Mike Shane,

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